Why do Indian prisoners wear white clothes in jail?
Why do Indian prisoners wear white clothes in jail?
Why do Indian prisoners wear white clothes in jail?
Rules are made to make everything run smoothly and stand out. This also applies to prison.
Have you seen movies made on Criminal? You must have seen the prisoners wearing black and white dresses in these films?
This thing dates back to the 19th century, when the Auburn Systemgray Black was made in America.
This system used to punish people. In this, some sloughs were made for the inmates of the jail.
This was also the time when the dress code for the prisoners was also made. During this time the prisoners used to wear gray black kilt lined clothes.
The main reason for making the dress for the prisoners was that if they wear normal clothes like other people then they cannot stand out from the crowd.
If he escapes from jail, it will be easy to catch him. People will be able to give correct information to the police through the dress code.
Prisoners will be able to remain disciplined through dress code, so that they will be able to learn something good while in jail.
The gray black line dress was given the tag of 'Symbol of Rome' at that time.